I was walking down the street in my town, and a bunch of kids were coming walking in the other direction, when I noticed the teacher with them is one that I used to work with, and for some reason I made the connection that they were from my old high school. I also noticed the teacher was talking to Jordan Peterson. A few minutes later, Peterson came walking in the other direction, and I stopped him to tell him how much I admire his books. I was then joined by kids and teachers from my own school, as we were still walking down the street in my hometown. I was now leading them, and was going to bring them back to our school, when I passed another old school, where I used to work, and noticed that there was a fun house next-door. we went in there, and got a little lost. I find my way out, and as we are waiting for the other kids, to find their way to the exit, a woman I work with, who just gave her two weeks notice, came down, walking a bunch of large dogs. I was snuggling with one of the dogs, who was very big, but very affectionate, when I finally woke up.
This dream could represent a sense of nostalgia and a desire for connection with past experiences and figures. Walking down the street in your town symbolizes a journey through familiar surroundings and possibly reflects your exploration of past memories. The presence of kids and teachers from your old high school suggests reminiscing about your youth and education. The connection between one of your former colleagues and Jordan Peterson may indicate a merging of different influences or ideologies that you have encountered in your professional and intellectual life.
Stopping to admire Jordan Peterson's books signifies your admiration for his ideas and possibly reflects a desire for knowledge and personal growth. Leading the kids and teachers from your school towards your old workplace suggests a sense of leadership and responsibility in guiding others towards personal and collective goals.
The fun house may symbolize the playful and adventurous aspects of your personality that you have explored in the past. Getting lost within it can represent a temporary loss of direction or confusion as you navigate through different experiences and choices.
The woman you work with, who recently gave her notice, walking the large dogs may symbolize a transition or change within your work environment. Snuggling with the affectionate dog could represent finding comfort and warmth amidst these changes.
Overall, this dream suggests a yearning for connection with the past, exploration of different influences, a desire for personal growth, and the need for adaptability as you navigate through transitions and new experiences.